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Xavalonia lays in the waters of the great ocean, about 2700 kilometres east of Eurostan. The crest consists of a shield, with a Lion on the Right and a Unicorn on the left, symbols usually associated with the ancient European kingdoms.  It's current ruler is King James XI.   


The Tower of Taal


The flag of Xavalonia is a yellow cross on a back background overlaid with a red lion rampant. This is the standard representing the linage of King James XI. The flag is flown in the capital buildings of all Xavalonia regions. The flag represents unity, loyalty, companionship and protection.    


The Tower of Taal


Xavalonia is approximately 800 kilometres long and averages 400 kilometres wide.  It's climate is a mild temperate oceanic climate. The land has not been fully explored but the parts that have show that an ancient civilization once occupied it and many artefacts and ruins have been discovered. Many of the buildings have been repaired to a degree and are occupied by the current civilians. 


The Tower of Taal


Xavalonia is made up of 39 separate regions. the regions vary from arable, to woodlands, hills, valleys mountains, and vast plains. Xavalonia is an island nation, surround by the ocean. It's coastal waters provide for a prosperous finishing industry and the land is bountiful with flora and fauna. 


The Tower of Taal

Our motto is

Libertas Pro Omnibus

Libertas Pro Omnibus - Freedom For All.

Xavalonia is an ideal, a statement, a standard, a call to arms, for the people of the world. Somewhere we can all come together with the freedom to be who we are, who we want to be and allow others to do the same.


"With great freedom comes great responsibility". Freedom doe not mean having the right to impose your will, your ideals or your thoughts on others. It does not give you the right to deprive others of their freedom. It does not give you the right to fail in your obligation to be a good person in the eyes of others. Be kind, be courteous and above all, be amazing.

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