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Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Thanks for submitting!

Duke / Duchess                                              $25

Baron / Baroness                                            $10

Count / Countess                                           $10

Lords* Click Here                                           Free for land owners ($30 per region)

Any other chosen title                                   $10 (Just tell us what you want)

Citizens                                                           $1


Industries Created by Citizens                      $10


Your Names: Must be your real name


Email: We can not contact you without this, so it makes sense to give us a real one. 


Payment reference: Quote the PAYPAL reference number attached to your payment. We may not be able to find it without this.


Type of citizenship: Click on the Citizens menu above to see all of the types you can register to be. You much choose 1

NOTE: Once you are registered you may then apply to be an Xavalonia trader / business person. See 'industries' 

Xavalonian Name: You may chose to have a chosen name in Xavalonia. i.e. your name in real life may be John Smith, but in xavalonia

you may wish to be known as Morg Seven-Fangs or Lizabeth Greystork

Payment must be made via PAYPAL to We are not responsible in any way for lost payments, you will need to contact paypal in case of any discrepancies.  

Message Box: Tell us anything we need to know, if you don't have anything to say you can leave it blank. 

Your initial place of residence will be in Avonlea but you may contact any Lord to apply to move to their region. You can not live in an unclaimed region. All activities, stores, blogs, stores etc must related the the region you live in. 

Please read the 'terms and condition' section. 






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